My Blogs

Smartphone: A device which is not yours as soon as you turn it on
MediumWe are living in amazing times where technology has reached a level that our grandparents couldn’t even dream of back in their young years. We can talk with people located at the other part of the world in just seconds through these small smart devices that everybody uses on a daily basis. We can install and uninstall such a great variety of mobile apps meant to help make our lives easier. There is no doubt that these smartphones are a great addition to our everyday activities. But have you ever wondered if we are really the ones that use them and not them using us?

This is how social media sites play with Young Minds!
To be human means that you are persuadable in every single moment. It doesn’t matter what language you speak or how intelligent you are. It’s not even about what someone knows, it’s about how your mind actually works. We now know that many of the major social media companies hire engineers called attention engineers who borrow principles from casino gambling and other places to try to make their products as addictive as possible. Also, not many of us know that the drug dealer never consumes.

NU Connect - Connect yourself with NIIT University
In the summer of 2021, over 160 students, mentors, educators, etc. gathered for NIIT University's 3rd edition of HackNU. This was an opportunity to ideate, built, learn and share prototypes during Covid-19. For those who don't know what's a Hackathon, a hackathon is an event where people come together, form teams, and propose a radical solution to an existing problem in a finite time span. " We believe that education can not only be found in books or in classes, but also in constructing ideas together where everyone is heard and seen. "

Hackathon Site
March 2021ZeroBugs have provided an all inclusive solution for the problems faced by NU freshers. This site contains information regarding nearby places, cab appointments, virtual tour, food ordering fron inner as well as outer food hubs of NU(everyone at NU can use it) as well as various online services. This project was built for HackNU3.0
AP Impex
January 2021AP Impex is the leading importer & exporter of organic spices in India. From the finest farms across the world, AP Impex bring you the higest quality Organic & Exotic spices. They are also one of the largest importer of Raw Cashew nuts.
Ideathon Site
August 2020Site made for Girlscript Alwar. Have various sections such as fill ing form, upload projects, timeline, rewards, about the event and contact us. The site was hosted on Github. GirlScript is a section-8 NON PROFIT company registered under the government of India on the 2nd of June, 2017. GirlScript is open for all organisation and supports beginners in technology and programming.